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L2: Truth

(The casual younger reader of the thrilling adventures of the JugginsVerse will probably wish to jump back to here  and start again. This episode is about a lesson on philosophy but, if it is any consolation, you cannot be more disappointed about this than Lottie.) At a little after 9am, Lottie arrives only a little late for her lesson, or tutorial, with her tutor Hipparchus. For once she has prepared and actually read the poem by Emily Dickinson that is supposed to be this morning’s focus.  Tell all the truth but tell it slant —  Success in Circuit lies  Too bright for our infirm Delight  The Truth's superb surprise  As Lightning to the Children eased  With explanation kind  The Truth must dazzle gradually  Or every man be blind —  This week every tutorial is on poetry and, much to her surprise, Lottie rather enjoys it. Perhaps that is because she is allowed, encouraged even, to say what she thinks, what she likes and does not like. Sad...

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