Introduction to the JugginsVerse
The stories of the JugginsVerse are brought to you by the same production and writing team as Alan the Alien’s Log but are set in both a different narrative universe and with a very different style. Production values are lower and there is rather less, in fact no, self-conscious wit! Unlike the substantial exegesis website for Alan the Alien’s Log the exegesis site for the JugginsVerse is just a few paragraphs.
This is a narrative world of a child’s fable, crossed with a 1960s BBC Radio 4 ‘crime file’ (whatever those were supposed to be!), albeit one with some trauma and some moral ambiguity. Caveat emptor!
Season 1: The Curious Case of Juggins-the-False
Who is a Juggins-the-False? What is his mysterious past? Is he dangerous?
Season 2: The Herbert Whodunnit
Who is writing scurrilous letters about the respectable elderly barman of the Swan Hotel?
Season 3: Frog Alone: A Haunting
Can Froggie survive a dark autumn, alone in the Swan Hotel, haunted by Death?
Season 4: The Modifications
What are the mysterious modifications to nature? Why have stones awoken with hostile intent? Can they be sent back to sleep? If so, at what cost?
Season 5: The Order of the Sponge
What does a mysterious chest of artefacts, and rumours of a secret historical order, have to do with Juggins’ choice of profession. And is this the right time to worry about that when the Potting Shed is under attack by Bulb Spiders?
Season 6: The Left-Right, Up-Down Inversion (10 episodes some time in 2025)
Was it really wise for Froggie to climb inside and try to start the mysterious flying saucer that the Barman brought down with his shotgun? And where is he now?
Lottie’s Lessons on concepts
An insight into Lottie’s education. 10 philosophical lessons on the nature of concepts.