1: The Potting Shed

Season 1: The Curious Case of Juggins-the-False

Hidden in woodland, and beyond almost impenetrable thicket, in the grounds of a disused stately home, sits the ‘Potting Shed’: the home to a group of creatures, friends, whenever they happen to be in the area. It is run by an elected committee, although the same Chair, Alcock the platypus (in the centre), has been re-elected for as long as anyone can remember. It is a bit like a commune but with none of the concomitant leftie politics! Everyone pays a subscription into a savings account to fund a breakfast of toast, marmalade, coffee and juice but, after that, they are free to do whatever they want, and to arrive and leave whenever they fancy. 

Nothing very exciting ever happens. The Potting Shed was once in the local paper, but only because there was no other news at all that week!