4.15: Filler travel episode

Every story ebbs and flows. There are moments of high drama and occasions to slow down and take stock, for both viewer or reader and character alike. (When re-watching, one generally skips such episodes.) Lottie and pTravis spend an episode traveling on, following the compass that sometimes points consistently the wrong way and sometimes seems to spin round simply to annoy them both. 

We, at least, can watch them from some distance away and enjoy a fine outdoor location. Imagine, alongside this, some random 1970s background banal travel music from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Bless!

Towards the end of the episode, Lottie announces that she is pretty sure that they are also getting near the end of their quest. For one thing, carrying her, Pebble now seems to weigh very much more and she is quite familiar with what this signifies from the Lord of the Rings

pTravis asks if she is likely to cast Pebble into an, as yet, undiscovered volcano in the north-western fells of the Lake District but merely receives a stony look from both Lottie and Pebble.