9: Isn't that Juggins' hat?

The next day, Lottie, the young axolotl, is ‘playing out’ in the snow with her football. She seems to be wearing a very familiar hat but she is a little vague where she found it and doesn't seem to want to give it up. 

Where did she get it? Might there be any clues in the hat? Everyone, except Lottie who wants to carry on having fun, is keen to take the hat inside and study it in detail. Just think, like the image from the security cameras, the presence of the hat seems to suggest that Juggins-the-False was still close by until very recently! Perhaps he dropped his hat as he made his escape carrying the heavy piggy bank? Only Lottie does not seem affected by this very worrying thought. 

Sometimes Lottie can be quite annoying!