8: A mysterious clue

A few days later, someone has the brilliant idea that the security cameras still trained on the nearby disused stately home might have a clue to the disappearance of the Potting Shed savings. Perhaps Juggins-the-False passed that way as he made his escape? That’s the closest way to get to a road, for example. 

It takes a little while to work out how to display the images in the long deserted security booth near the entrance to the big house but in the end Alcock manages to get a flickering black and white image on one of the television screens.

Sadly, there are no clues for the night in question. But there is a fleeting image captured of a stray reflection in a window just last night!

Can that be Juggins-the-False? It certainly looks like his charismatic hat. And if so, is he still lurking somewhere in the area, still up to no good?