13: The den

After last night’s discovery, Alcock asks a small crack team of daring colleagues to go with him to see if they can find where Juggins-the-False was seen in the faint and blurred security camera images. He picks pTravis, the pterodactyl, and Masongill, the mole, but Lottie, the young axolotl, follows along singing tunelessly and annoyingly and kicking her football at their legs. Kids! Whatever any grown-ups ever say to be kind to you, no one actually likes children!

Behind the books on the old bookshelves, they find what looks to be a hideout, a ‘den’. This is the image from the black and white security camera.

The den isn’t very tidy, although someone has decorated it with old film posters. (It may be worth noting that Juggins-the-False liked films, of course.) 

There in the middle of the floor is the Potting Shed piggy bank. But…

It is empty! And Juggins-the-False, himself, is not there.