2.14: Back at the Potting Shed

Alcock is consultative to a fault and so, having described the things he has seen and heard, asks the terribly secretive 3-membered ‘4Cs’ what it thinks. 

His colleagues jot down the following points which rather ignore Alcock’s seemingly trivial observations of possible clues and stick to the main facts. 
  • Someone wants to blacken the Barman’s name and take away his licence. 
  • No occupant of the Swan Hotel should, surely, have a motive to do that. 
  • A clue - a clip with a strange motif - links the letter-writing to someone at the pub. 
  • Three frogs - Froggie, Grenooyuh and Stanli - speak only Ver Kwin’s Orn Indlish but the letters are all written in ordinary English.
  • The dragon, Popty Ping, has never been heard to speak, let alone write. 
  • The Minkey is the ‘4Cs’ own informer, a spy at the sink, an agent at the Aga, a mole with a microwave, an operative by the oven, a (stool) pigeon in the pantry.
  • The Barman wouldn’t harm himself or his grandson. 
  • This leaves Bill as the only suspect, though his motives remain obscure. 
Alcock looks unhappy with this set of thoughts, but cannot yet say what is wrong and defers to the general view. But now what should they do to close the case?