3.6: Death tricks him

That last dream has helped Froggie pass a more optimistic week. He has even opened the front door on two occasions to get some fresh air into the pub and clear the fug. As long as his dream-self can confuse Death in clever tactical play, perhaps there is hope? Strangely, he believes that if he can survive as long as Christmas and the return of the Barman and his friends, he may even outlive the year. But he feels that he cannot leave the vicinity of the Swan Hotel: his fate is tied to being here. At least this gives him some focus.

Allowing himself to drift into sleep following a lunch of what is now a mere morsel of cold pie, whiskered with mould, and half a gallon of Toads’ Tipple, his dream turns darker.

Confessing to a priest in a church his intention to stall Death, he reveals that he is using a combination of bishop and knight and will, in the next move, expose Death’s flank. The priest turns to him. 

He is Death. “I will remember that”, he says.