4.12: Council back at the Potting Shed

Back at the Potting Shed, and on hearing Lottie’s garbled account, Alcock calls another meeting of the 4 Cs. Well he would, wouldn’t he? However, for the first time, he graciously invites her to attend, too. She sees that pTravis seems to be wearing a new scarf. She also senses some tension between Masongill and him about that fact. What can that be about? Now is not the time to ask, however.

The committee members are impressed and frankly envious that Lottie has experienced something that none of them has - actually meeting (in) the Pod - but they also realise that they have learnt little more. The Pod has repeated her warning and instruction that something should be done. The Earth is in peril. It has somehow changed. But she has not really explained what or how. 

Alcock makes the sort of decision that shows why he has never lost a re-election to Chair of the Potting Shed Committee. With a quest, he says, the key thing is to set off first and only then worry about what will happen. Something is bound to happen. Narrative plot will simply take hold. Although he would not have chosen her himself, Lottie has been selected for this task by a being more connected to nature than anyone else. But she will need companions.

Grandly he announces that there will be twelve creatures on the quest: 

Twelve will save the Earth! 

The others are less sure about almost emptying the Potting Shed for such a madcap venture and a heated discussion takes place. In the end, Alcock accepts a compromise. 

Two will save the Earth! 

He nominates pTravis to accompany Lottie. Lottie, whose heart had sunk about being joined by 11 grown-ups, is quite happy to accept just one. 

Some readers might suspect that this is what the Chairman’s aim had been all along.