6: Disaster!

Last night, something terrible happened! Someone has stolen the Potting Shed’s savings. The piggy bank on the table in the middle of the shed is gone! All the money collected for future breakfasts is missing. How will they ever afford marmalade again? Can any creature survive without a morning coffee and some fruit juice? It is a disaster.

Also, as well as the savings, there is no sign of Juggins who has vanished in the middle of the night. It seems very likely that it was Juggins who stole the breakfast money. But everyone had trusted him! It is true that his sponge and press business was not doing very well, but to steal all the breakfast fund...!

Already, he is being called ‘Juggins-the-False’.

While everyone is missing their breakfast, Masongill arrives home. It is a little awkward to explain that, during his brief time away, they have lost the breakfast fund to a stranger. There is just a small amount of coffee and some dry bread left to share but no marmalade or juice.