7: Searching…

Everyone - well nearly everyone - spends the day searching for any signs of what happened to the Potting Shed savings bank. Moffat the sheep seems too pained by the future prospect of marmalade-free breakfasts to be much practical help today. He stares blankly into space thinking of dry bread without even fruit juice to wash it down. Who can blame him?

The others also look for clues about Juggins-the-False. But there is no sign of either piggy bank or travelling valet.

Alcock, the Chair of the Potting Shed Committee, talks to the local newspaper (for the second time) and shares an artist’s impression of the missing savings bank. But, so far, there is no hint of either it or Juggins.

Everyone feels a bit embarrassed that they thought they liked Juggins-the-False more than Masongill. At least no one has said this to Masongill! But perhaps some of them may have mentioned it to Juggins. Still, it is hardly likely the two will ever meet.